Promoting a company’s products and services to the right target audience is irreversibly dependent on the development of a cement communication strategy. The latter results, in principle, from the interweaving of a number of action plans.

Promote a brand, a product/service by means of a slogan or messages via different media.

Place the media resulting from the digital ecosystem at the heart of its communication strategy.

Establish a personalized relationship with its clients while considerably developing its credibility.

Although graphic design is just one part of the cornerstone of communication, it is of crucial importance. It is through it that we have been able to create design websites like Sports Loisirs, for instance, and bring your ideas to life.

In other words, it allows you to graphically express your company’s entire universe, its style, attitude and values. The visual arts, which are of course the fruit of your ideas, will allow you to boost the virality of your content, to flatter the retina of your visitors and to accompany them in their purchasing process.

The audit of a website allows us to see where we really stand in terms of visibility, web referencing, positioning, ergonomics, accessibility, content, compliance with various regulations… At the end of such a discipline, our auditors advise you on the actions to be implemented to sustain the performance of your website.

Creating a website (showcase website, e-shop, custom website) is one thing, boosting its ability to generate traffic is another! To do so, several actions are to be preferred:

Referencing, including natural referencing or Search Engine Optimization, refers to all strategies that can induce search engines, including their algorithms, to properly position your website in the SERPs.

At the heart of Social Media Marketing (SMM) is the art of uniting a community of users (subscribers, fans, followers…) around a brand, then animating it and creating a special bond with it.

To measure the performance of a website, several KPIs are to be known by heart: number of visits, duration of sessions, conversion rate, bounce rate, entry points on the website, shopping cart abandonment rate…